Title: Marfa,Prada
Location: 14880 US-90, Valentine, TX 79854, United States
Year Photographed: 2022
A Prada store in the West Texas desert that is never open for business.
I was on a photography trip that started in the Okanagan and ended in Austin Texas in October 2022. I read about Marfa and planned my entry into Texas with a route through it.
It was researching this art installation that gave me a spark. So many ideas of how you could photograph this Prada store in the middle of nowhere rushed through my mind. I loved this.. I appreciated the artist and appreciated that this place was a gift.
When I was travelling east I first arrived at Marfa Prada around 11am. It was a sunny clear day. I spent about an hour getting some images and watching others stop for photos. I loved it. I got an instagram shot. The next day I really felt I missed the mark. I did not create an image. Just a few snapshots. This is when the return visit was planned.
On my way back home the focus was to 'create an image' of Marfa Prada. I arrived about 4 hours before the sunrise would happen. It was great to have the lighting from the store bleed onto the highway with less reflections on the glass. When I reviewed the shots, nothing really stood out. It was just a cool looking shot of someone else's art work.
So I waited. As the sun was coming up there were a few cars coming and going. It took several attempts to get the exposure and vehicle trail to not block the shoes.
This shot is the crown jewel of that 7600km trip.